About UBG

About UBG Hacking Team

UBG is composed of individuals who are either information security students, professionals or enthusiasts, with a majority of members actively engaged in some aspect of the information security field. The group's members have a diverse background, ranging from offensive and defensive security, administrators and network engineers. With a shared passion for learning and a collective goal of sharpening our skills.

Join UBG

If you have questions about content or want to play on a CTF join our chat.

We are most active on our Slack Channel here, you can sign up here: https://join.slack.com/t/ubg-life/shared_invite/zt-7g5ujtkm-CKx28z8xpBESPE0k5iQVzQ

We do have a sister chat on discord: https://discord.gg/YkrKnuAG

Alternatively you can email contact @ubg-hacking.team

Last updated

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